Ah so the past couple of hours I've been driving myself crazy. You know when you have something on your mind; and you can't get it out . Not unless you honestly take the time out of your day and sit about talk about it.... Yeah well, that's how I'm feeling. I have a million and one things going through my mind about someone. & silly me; wanted to read my horoscope for some odd reason ; I think it's because my friend has been talking about how well she gets along with some astrologic signs. & How much she hates others : --- Anywho the first thing I see once the page loads is: Don't be unrealistic about expectations you have for someone. They're only human.
& all I could do is look @ Allison and we just start laughing & saying WOW. urgh. I haven't even read anymore ; but I'm totally unimpressed! Why can't my own horoscope be on MY side. goshh . Well I'm going to continue reading maybe it'll lift my spirits;

So I’ve been single for seven months strong… Well a little over six months. The single life is great and all, but let’s talks about what I miss from the relationship lifestyle.
It’s nice to have that one person to call your own. That one individual that you can get close with, someone you can cuddle up wit when neither of you have anything else going on. Going out, having fun… I mean I can go out with my friends, but let’s be real, it’s not the same.
Maybe I’m too picky? My friends seem to think its okay to try to set me up with their friends. Am I screaming “girlfriend needed?” I don’t think so! Even I miss being the semi – perfect wife for someone; I’m not that needy that I require my friends help in finding someone that I’m compatible with. As I expressed to my cousin a few moments ago on the phone, it’s been a long time before I felt that school girl crush feeling. Loving being around that “one” person that makes your heart melt. Remember the days sitting at home after school or work, on the phone for hours upon hours on the phone laughing, my mistake; giggling. Doing nothing at all but enjoying the sound of the person’s voice. You could be talking about nothing at all, the only thing that mattered was the fact that you liked them, enjoyed their company, and you were on the phone with them!
I miss Anniversaries! I’m not the one for short term relationships. I was speaking to someone a few days ago, and they were talking about how they thought long term relationships were a waste of time, because they felt like all that time spent with that one person was for nothing. I rather be in a relationship for a while, and moving on eventually with a lesson learnt. What the hell am I going to learn from someone in 2 weeks? ---- Anyway, I miss planning weekend getaways, hotels rented, shopping together, holding hands. Yeah, all of that “mushy” stuff. Well dammit, why am I still single then?
Fuck all that! I will not settle. I’m one choosy lover. I can deal with flaws like the other average person, but what the fuck I look like trying to “love” someone who I have no interest in?
Am I vain? You know what maybe I am! All I ask for is:
1) An attractive person
: if I have to look at you; I can’t be trying to divert my attention because you’re not good enough to stare at ; then I’ll be staring at all the other attractive people walking by
2) Intelligence
: you don’t have to be Bill Nye the science guy; but jeesh, is asking for someone that is book smart, street smart, and has common sense too much to ask for? I’ve come across a few people who weren’t in line when God was giving out common sense. No scarecrow chicks around here please. “Oh I wish I had a brain! I wish I had a brain!” [Aly, will have a chuckle off that one]
3) Income!
: I’m no princess, although I’d like the think that sometimes, but who the hell do I look like paying for everything. Yeah I have money, and I work for it, get up off your ass and make some too, & stop blaming it on the recession!
4) Faithful & Honest
: I absolutely positively despise liars. It’s simple; be loyal and don’t lie to me because I can smell a lie from a mile away. You can expect the same from me.
5) Be secure
: Don’t be jealous when I go out of chill with my friends. Don’t question my friendships! I am faithful and honest. Just because your ex left you for a friend don’t mean I will. My friendships are just that; friendships; nothing more, nothing less.
6) I hate being questioned
: so don’t do it! I’m a grown ass woman, I don’t have curfews, and I don’t need to be questioned about where I’m going, who I’m going with, or what I’m doing. I’m respectful, I won’t be doing anything that I wouldn’t want you doing, so is it too much to ask for you to trust me?!
I’m sure we all have a long list of our perfect match, but I’m not looking for perfection… I get bored quickly! I’m just asking for her to posses six small but large requirements, and if not, I’m not interested! I suppose this is why I’m still single right? Wait, wait I just thought of number seven.
7) Sense of humor
: keep me laughing & smiling and we’ll be just fine.
I want to experience that school girl crush feeling, or am I too old? I think not!! I just keep getting bombarded with all these non compatible females!
Well that’s all for now folks! Talk to yall soon.
Labels: dating, love, relationships, requirements

i hate being sick!
I suppose I'm paying for my extra long easter party weekend !
Part I:
Bodyenglish ; table & pole dancing [lol]
Part II:
Alice Fazoolis ; even more drunk than the first night
Part III:
Dinner & The L Word marathon
Part IV:
Battle of the soar throat ; & trying to go to a specific club which happened to be closed. So we called it an early night.
& today. In bed all day being sick, which I hate. Hopefully I'll be feeling well enough tomorrow, so I can actually get back to work but yes... While I ignore my phone calls and text messages, I'll be wrapped in my blanket trying to recuperate. Consider this my do not disturb sign. =]
[p.s. photos will be available as soon as I get my camera from Baba. Since I forgot it at her house]
don't call me I'ma call you. ;)
[not] --- but I would like to be left alone as I have a lot to do before my move in 2 weeks.
later hoochies.

and you are?.....
I ain't ever seen or heard from this group before.
Apparently they're new under the Nappy Boys label...
Aw shucks I couldn't tell. [sarcasim]
Of course I can tell. All of T-Pains shit have the same
beat they love to ride... I wonder if they've realized
that female artists with no real talent, don't go anywhere.
This is a man's world... Umm in the music industry anyway.
Apparently the original version features Mr. West ; but why
would they cut that out?! =/
this is now a face of pure confusion...
Yeezy's input
on the plus side: I love the colorful music video though
love a lil ghetto girl with more ass than the models
Labels: kanye west, sophie fresh

& this time with the alien! Wayne.
below . so good remix video.
Call me crazy; I like the original video better.
Maybe it's my love for watching the world in

She's hot, that's all I'm saying.

This blog is about sexuality. . . I guess I was inspired by a blog I’ve read on downelink. It was from a friend of mines, she never quite understood what her sexuality was. Due to having been with males before and now is interested with females.
The definitions of the different types of sexuality are as follows.
Source: The Oxford Dictionary -
Bisexual: sexually attracted to members of both sexes;
: having both sexes in one individual; bisexuality.
Heterosexual: characterized by attraction to the opposite sex
Homosexual: feeling sexually attracted to people of the same sex.
Queer: defines homosexual male.
Stag/Hag: An individual who is straight that hangs out with homosexual people.
My friend posted the entry because she’s never really understood what she was… Or maybe it was it the way that gay females and males like to point fingers at bisexuals, and say “they just don’t know what they want”. My take on it is… How many “gold star” lesbians do you know. Females come out, after years of hiding their sexuality and not knowing how to deal with it. What about the women that live up to the age of 25+ that were engaged to be married to a man, or have a child. Does that make those females any less gay? If someone has come to a realization that they are just simply not interested in a specific sex, does that make them any less of a heterosexual, or homosexual?
My personal take on the topic is no. I don’t think it makes someone less of; who they say they are because of their past, as long as they’re sure about whom they are and who they want to be with. I rather not do the whole label thing, but if you want to call me a full on dyke I wouldn’t be upset lol =P
A friend asked me… “You’re not full gay? Or are you?” My response was, “I guess you could say I am… Dudes are only a money flex”. So there ya go. Now you know. Feedback can be left in the comment box. Up on the left hand side;

*giggles* HelloOo World! It's honestly been a minute since I've actually sat down to take the time to actually write a meaningful post. My apologies! So as I sit here and try to decide what topic I want to speak on today. My brother steals my pack of cigarettes to give it to his friends. How thoughtful of him huh? *gasps* Posh you smoke!? Yeah, yeah... Bad habit. I don't think I'm addicted or anything. I think it's just something I do to help me relax sometimes. Hmm must be nice to have friends that come over and bring you alcohol and marijuana, for no apparent reason at all. Lol don't mind me I think I'm just a bit bitter with the friends my brother has... So as the grown men sit in the garage talking about "back in the day" lol. Oh wait... My brothers friend just gave me 10 bucks. I suppose its the compensate for my pack they're about to ambush! ----- So this post is pretty much going to be me just talking off the top of my head... The next post is going to be a hit. I promise! Love, & relationships. So stay tuned.
Next on the docket I want everyone to stay tuned to my alter-ego blog! Tiffanee-lee♥ I guess I can get a new design/ layout poppin' over here. I've been so avoiding the whole opening Photoshop and getting some designs down.... & Oh, I'm moving at the end of the month. I can't say where, just because I don't wish to, but this should be a very interesting journey. I can't wait to go to California though. I missed my trip last year due to health and family issues. Now I'm healthy, and have concurred the battles with my family. All that's left to do is to get my birth certificate so I can get my passport. =] Goals goals goals... Thinking of what I'm accomplishing, makes me smile. No better reward.