Me; getting caught up talking to my angel losing
track of time ; like I don't have long day ahead of me.
Still up @ 3:30 in the morning. & my laptop is about
to die on me ; and you wanna know the horrific thing about that?
ahhhhh!!! what the eff will I do .& I have a meeting
tomorrow meaning i need my laptop! Err ; hopefully I can
fix whatevers wrong with this ; I'm pretty good with
building computers and fixing technical stuff ;
but what the eff dude. ARG! another piece of stress
this is goodnight before this shit dies completely .
Umm after I watch Essence's booty videos again
ahh grl. i luv you!

..... & we have a winner ;
first class ticket to hell with your name on it.
I really can't stand my ex; not if you paid me to.
I would really like to be repaid ; & that's my problem
she has no rebuttles or arguements for me until
i bring up the money she owes me. silly me!
no worries about checking your luggage.
Where you're going you won't need it. bitch go to hell
after you pay me my money ho.

i'm off to feed my bad habit ; have a cup of tea & go to bed .

"i want it all ; that's why i strive for it"
Remember the post of the soundtrack of my life? I'm sure Drake would be on the playlist; no doubt. Making more than one appearance. His latest mixtape release is ill, but then again ; I don't remember when I haven't liked his music.
"diss me & you'll never hear a reply for it"
I posted a youtube video on chicks & drama earlier on this week ; finally youtube uploaded it 2 days later. I hear a lot of people cursing about youtube not uploading their video & I never really understood til now. It took 2 days to upload my insight video ; how rude!
I started this post at 8:19am ; it is now 11:24 pm. I'm home from work irritated ; tired & kinda lonely. "my ex sends late night texts cause she don't know how to let go. go go" - Drake . I don't get the texts; I get the phone calls. "I'm just calling to check up on you". I mean, should I be doing bad? Is there something tragic going on in my neihborhood that I am unaware of? Should I feel bad cause you want to work on things with another girl? Should I have responded to the news in a different manner? Should I fight for something, that's brought me more hurt than happiness? Why do you feel the need to check up on me? This isn't the first time we've departed. This isn't the first nor will it be the last that you're going to hear. "Okay, well I'll let you do your thing." Females don't neccesarily like their current partner to communicate with their ex's especially not ones that you admit that you're still in love with. So of course I took my que to let you live. Friends or not, I'm not trying to impose on anyones relationship ; because I wouldn't want it to happen to moi. =)
So to answer the late night phone calls ; & the question at hand ; yes . I'm fine; just a little tired from work. & unless you're offering a foot massage. I'd rather you not ask me. =)

"you're my everything; you're all i ever wanted ; we can do it big ; bigger than you ever done it"
i know right renee? People are looking at my font like this is one arrogant bitch; but in all reality I'm not. I just love me ; more than the rest of yall. It bites; but it's the truth. Now my lil self loving ass is going to google the term "spanish fly" apparently it has something to do with sex. This dude at work keeps telling me he's going to "spanish fly" me ; AS IF! Oh goodness it seems to be somee "date rape" type of drug. "it is supposed to heighten a woman's sexual appetite so much so that it is possible for a man to take advantage of her" -- [the jamaica star news] . SoOoo, how interesting. I knew it was something "out of order" when I asked my brother & he looked away and said "I'm trying to watch my movie. My sister in law laughed til she turned red then told me it has to do with sex & I should look it up on the internet. *fans it off* Some dudes are ultra lame.
"I've got to be Unstoppable"
but to keep everyone happy; I'd need a clone.
& my soundtrack hasn't even begun to form. I'm so far gone.
Labels: calm, drake, happiness, heartbreak, maintain, so far gone, work

& if you haven't heard.
It kills me - Melanie Fiona . chck it out
so its 20 after 2 in the morning ;
& Essence is singing on her mic along
with her cousin ; they sound very nice together
so i had a pretty good day today . nothing special
i went and got my cartilage pierced again ; twice
today. other than that it was a pretty cool day.
Oh my goodness, let me share the joke of the day with you.
So my manager @ the hair studio, runs a mobile salon as well
& today she got a request for someone to come out to one of the
Humber Hospitals to do a dying womans hair. She tried to get
everybody in the book to do it; but no one would man up to the
task but me. Soo I'm here getting ready to head out to the West
and My manager calls me and says "They're church people so don't
wear any tight jeans or revealing tops". I'm here like damn
now you trying to tell a chick what to wear? I wasn't going to
wear anything revealing anyways but still ; they're crossing the
line with that request bud. So I'm like cool whatever. "Don't wear
any make up either". I look at the phone side ways like
like you know what fine, a dying woman. Whatever. So my brother an I
are about to walk out the door when the phone rings again. I run
upstairs; and he's like C. said forget it. They don't want any good
looking girls. I'm here looking at my Brother like he's an idiot
because I'm like dude if you ain't want to bring me no where just say
that! He's like no foreal. Call her back she'll tell you.
So I'm here dialed my work number and was like what's up? She's like
the girl called back and was like "Don't send no hoochie mama looking
girl either". C, was like well no, she's a young girl and she happens
to be in her early 20s and she's very well put together. She doesn't
wear revealing clothing or none of that. The girl was like "wait! she
looks good?" C's, like yes. The girl was like oh no forget it. Cause
the ladys husband hasn't been laid in a year or so since his wife has
been sick, and even though she's sick she will get upset and insecure
if someones taking her husbands attention, even if thats not what she's
trying to do.
So I'm here laughing my ass off at the story, cause at this point C.
is hella pissed and looking mad crazy cause she spent so much time
trying to get someone who would even do the task, and now it's being
cancelled cause her partner is too pretty to work...
Soooo the joke of the day is, I'm too pretty to work. I didn't have
to go into work today cause I'm pretty! If thats not some bullshit,
I don't know what is.
On another note....
I spoke to someone that's pretty close to me today, about some shit that's been on my mind. "Self sabotage". Sometimes we do it so often, it just seems like we can't get over obstacles. I personally think I do this to myself when I pay attention to what people are saying around me. I really don't feed into the bullshit too often, but I'm human it happens. I also think I've been doing it to myself in regards to a specific someone. I feel like that person has the potential to be my everything... But what am I scared of? I'm not scared of being hurt. Been there done that, so many times. It's nothing to me. I think it's mainly I don't know how I'd feel about having something that works out for the best & it leaves both parties happy. So for that reason I sabotage myself into working myself up for something good, but me acknowledging it now only means change. & on that note I'm wrapping this post up.
Labels: butterflies, essence, love, pretty, work

So as I sit here at 1:38am. I'm wondering ; if there was a soundtrack to my life. What songs would be played ; & who would be the artists featured on it...
I'm going to leave this post like this ; I'll be back with a complete thought sooner or later. I'm a bit pissed off & to be quite honest, I have no clue why. A lot of little things have been bothering me ; & I can safely assume that they're coming together as one to bother me a whole lot. =/
Labels: anger

everytime my brother hears me playing old music.
He always says "What do you know about this!"
Haha, well I know I like it that's why I'm playing it
duh... So what if I wasn't born ; or wasn't of age when
the song was being played out. I like old school music
and thats all there is to it! lol.
So we have a few more days until our photo shoot.
Too bad I haven't spoken to my manager in like a week
so I'm not even sure if that's still going on. I just
called and left a voicemail for him to call me back. So
I'm just waiting... Maybe I'll hear from him tomorrow during
business hours. Hopefully I'm not at work. =/
I want to go file my taxes, & hopefully I get a big return.
So I really am hoping I don't have to work in the morning.
I rather spend the day working on some items for my line.
Ahh how did everyone elses sunday go. I slept most of the day
away, & was awaken by a phone call. blah!

So I'm here at work; Sort of bored. Ya it's not busy right now. & I kind of have a lot on my mind. Hmm, let's start with ex's. Urgh, I'm kind of sick and tired being bombarded by them one after another. Laying all these guilt trips. Why is it so horrible that I want to be where I want to be, & that is not neccessarily with an ex right now? Why do I still end up feeling horrible about the situation because I know that there could possibly still be something there. Yet I don't want to take the time to explore that.
Next thing on my mind... Screen names, facebook status', and blogs. Something about them are getting to me. Especially when looking at one particular persons thoughts. I can't get mad at anyone for the way that they think but I can control how I get involved with them. I don't want to hear that I'm a bad person, because I assune that someone has something going on with someone else just because of the way they portray themselves in their screen names, blogs or facebooks status'. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, but as an individual I think that I put things that I can relate to in my messenger name or status... I even blog about them . I'm just assuming the person does that as well... Sue me.
I'm out here working my ass off because there are things I want to do, and I want to be comfortable, I want to have a home of my own & a luxorious lifestyle. So I continue to work my ass off. & After I leave work tonight I'm going to work somemore ; & then get up in the morning and do it all over again. Psh, atleast I got a 2 day vacation being at Thoro's house this week. Aww man, I love that girl. We like talk about everything... & She helped me make certain plans in regards to what I'm going to do to maximize the outcome and minimize the amount of time that I actually spend working. That way I can actually get to do some of my clothing & accessorie line.
What else is on my mind... Trying, I hate trying and feeling like I'm getting nothing in return. My only reaction to it is to back off and to leave things as they are. Hopefully something good will come out of this post. If not, such is life!
Peace & chicken Grease, I have to get to doing a clients hair. I can't wait til I'm done her hair. I don't want to be at the hair studio any longer; but money talks I suppose. I need to stay focused to be able to do all the things I want to do. Like drive my own car, and push key into my own house. I don't see many 20 year olds buckling down abb

I felt so censored ! Like Thoro and I couldn't talking about anything without getting the evil look. Urgh, but I'm not used to not being able to talk about things that I want to. Like our damn sexuality. Jeez! Oh well . Might I add really quickly. That I will not be traveling to scarborough ever again in the winter time. It's cold for one. & two, its just far. fuck it. lol .
Whew family day is over, & we spent it smoking; watching movies; group discussions & eating junk food. I had a pretty good day with Thoro & Gully.

Labels: broken, emotional, sad

look up nic chagall - what you need .
i love that song. not what you're used to
me plugging but it's def hot shit!
Labels: what you need

"No more misses nice guy", I had the phrase posted in my messenger screen name, but come to realisation that it doesn't matter. Nor should it ever. I love me and all my flaws. People can sit down and discuss and point fingers all they want. It's always the ones that don't have shit going for them that have the time to converse about others. My other words to them is. "Do what you do; but you'll have to grow up at some point & time. You point fingers, without taking the time to judge your own actions".
I love my lil muffin. =)
A voice of positivity & kindness.
I love mini me. =)
A voice of similarity.
I love my Bee. =)
A voice of reasoning & love; despite our history.
I love me. =)
A voice of inspiration. Knowing all I've been through and my life story from beginning to this point now.
On another note, I'm kinda upset. Well not really, but I'm not completely happy about going to work all day today. I had other plans and I wasn't able to keep my word to someone because work comes first. Aw well. My apologies.
It's almost valentines day, and surprise surprise! I have to work! HOORAY! =/
That's sarcasm for those who can't decipher the difference between that & real excitement. Ah well, I'm now tired. Goodnight.

it's no secret ; i like some toronto music. a lot of it is good actually artists just don't have the same shot at the big prize ; like they do in the states. They don't have the means to put out a stupid video with catchy dance moves that you little brothers & sisters will taunt you with until they find a new some to leach onto. Which reminds me, I really do feel like jumping out the window when I hear Ron Browz. Pun intended. He was lucky to get that deal. He better find another style to leach onto cause that voice over shit will not make hits forever. [p.s i despise those "hits" he's making]
[get over it]
Ask Apple how I get it though
I'd be on the phone with a bitch & you'd never know.
So you can son me never
I don't get bitter; I just get better.
& the hate starts building the more we grow
They seemed to love me when this shit was going nowhere
& now they got a bunch of feelings that they won't share
they just give me the "fuck it! I'm broke" stare.
[friends with money]
Focus on women then you get less done
Its like work flow its heavy like a wet sponge
Im gettin rich cause i think being broke is less fun
my city aint a city that support they own people
she call me and i hit it everytime like send [damn]

There is absolutely nothing more discouraging. Than hearing people constantly
yell at one another. After growing up in a household that whenever my mother was
around there was no peace. No quiet. No tight knit family. I can't stand fighting.
When I was younger I used to "act out". Fight at school, was all in the drama &
the mix. As we grow up. SOME of us tend to realize that it's juvenile & not worth
the time and the energy to always be at someone elses throat ; yelling and screaming.
So as I sat in my room this afternoon, and heard the yelling between my brother and
my sister-in-law downstairs. I closed my eyes, and hoped that it would stop.
My neice woke me up this morning & asked me if I wanted to come shopping at
square one this morning. I was too lazy to get up, plus I'm trying not to blow my money.
Which might I add is really hard! I was like wait, what time is it. She replied 9 [something or another]. My reaction was, "Wait why aren't you at school". Her response was....
"I'm feeling sick". So, "you're feeling sick and you cannot go to school but you can go
shopping in square one?" ---- I rolled my eyes and turned over & said no. I'm not coming.
If you know me personally, & have been to my house, you know my neice is spoiled rotten
by my sister in law, & my brother is the one that pretty much lays the rules down. Which
she doesn't have to follow most of the time because her mother always bails her out. Not a
good look. So does it surprise me that he had a disappointed facial expression on his
face when my sister in law and my neice came through the front door with
shopping bags in their hands?
No! I would have looked the same way.
From his point of view. He's like, you let our daughter stay home from school whenever you
have a day off work because it's your "bonding time". Who sits down and helps her with her
school work after missing a bunch of days? What is your excuse when the teacher will want to
fail her because she's not in class to get the lesson, & then she doesn't know what she's doing
for homework, then that turns into. She doesn't do well on tests. I tell my child she cannot do
something, and you tell her it's fine. She gives both of us attitude, and your excuse for her
actions is because I'm too hard on her.
I totally understand where my brother is coming from & I'm not only saying that because
of the relationship I have with him. Now my sister in laws side. I love my daughter, and I
didn't have my mother around when I was growing up. I want my daughter to be able to come
to me with any and every issue she may have. Yes I may spoil her but it's because I love her.
I let her stay home from school on the days when I'm home because I work all the time &
you [my brother] will not bring her somewhere to go shopping if she needs to. Even if she has
money of her own. I like the fact that my daughter can talk to me about anything. & You
[my brother] haven't treated her nice since she told me you were cheating on me 4 years ago.
& This is my perspective even though I'm not a parent. A child will always love one
parent more than the other. My neice has grown up too fast, and was never given
boundaries by her mother. When she was younger and her mom used to come in
and clean her room while she was at school, my neice would come home and have
every toy out of the play box again before she was ready to go to bed. Her mother
would yell and literally cry, trying to get her point across. I think it's wrong that my
neice could be up in all the adult conversations. When my sis-in-laws friend used to
call the house crying about her man cheated on her & what not. My neice was allowed
to have her input. At 7 or 8 years old, what do you know? Why was it okay for her to
be involved? It wasn't. & Ever since the "cheating" incident with my brother. When my neice
exposed that information to her mother my brother hasn't treated her the same. He is wrong
to take the out on her. He should have been handling his business.
As parents you shouldn't fight like that infront of your child, but it happens.
You need to come together and make decisions as one instead of going after one
another. It won't work any other way. My neice needs to be disciplined, but she's
13 now. That will be tough. Her mother doesn't see that there is any problem in
the way she acts or the way she disobeys. "it's a teenage thing". Aw well, I'm just
tired of hearing them fight. I'm tired of my neice being a rude little spoiled brat.
I can't stand the yelling. MAURY I need you.
Sorry I just needed to vent. Maybe I'll be back later with a happy post.

is posting notes ; bulletins & blogs in regards to 25 random facts about themselves.
Nina Raii took my idea to post it as a blog entry first; but here we go!
♥ nR!
1. When I was younger I used to tell people my real name was DeShawnte. lol It was cool to me at the time. People still call me that to this day. Like really give it a rest. You know my name by now
2. I have a weird obsession with gummy candy. Not just any though, theey have to be the neon sour gummy worms. Or the plain gummy bears with no sugar on it.
3. I'm designing clothes & an accessorie line.
4. When I see people I used to crush on in highschool. I gag @ myself wondering what I was thinking.
5. I love to read. As long as I can get into it & it's interesting. I'm reading
6. I love my brothers more than my sisters. I connect with them more.
7. India Arie is my favorite r&b female singer. People are sleeping on her; a voice like that & Lauryn Hill. Jeesh, just touches you.
8. I could listen to music & design all day.
9. I work hard for the thing I want in life. I can't depend on anyone for it.
10. Even though I love to read; I hate studying.
11. I'm pansexual not bi-sexual. I'm attracted to females & I have the ability to be with a male if I have that emotional connection with them. I'm more likely to be with a woman though.
12. Since I've been chillen with Thoro often; I curse a lot more.
13. I worked as an exotic dancer. *gasps* Posh?!? Yes I did, and it was a job like every other, I don't bring my work home with me. It's fast & easy cash with no taxes lol.
14. I cherish anyone who can make me laugh. Like really laugh.
15. I hate going to the doctors or to a hospital. Even if I'm not the one that's sick. Fear of bad news I suppose.
16. I used to want to be a writer. Author of novels... I couldn't seem to keep myself disciplined enough to follow through.
17. I love my bestfriend more when he's not neglecting me. I understand you have school, work & a child, but you have ME too. & I sure do miss him.
18. Ewart & Mareeka, are my closest friends, I have plenty of acquaintances and not so many friends.
19. I used to love the fact that I was anti-social younger. I still like to stick to myself but my career prohibits it.
20. I live with my brother, rather than my mother. I've always resented her for basically haviing him raise me, but he's like my guardian angel.
21. I wish the best for everyone. Even the bitches I don't like.
22. I am easily annoyed with humans.
23. I love old school music.
24. Sometimes I feel insecure about my body despite how many compliments I get for being "thick" & having a small waist.
25. I have no idea what I would do without my laptop & internet. I lay, sit, stand & spend hours on it, doing nothing at all.

After two in the morning ; & I'm exhausted yet I won't bring myself to sleep.
Sitting up my bed ; & looking around in the dark just staring into spaces as I listen
to my music. I guess I can start by telling you how crazy my day has been.
It all started around 9 am; When I was woken by a phone call telling me I didn't have
to go into work today. Thank God; cause I don't think I was going to get up out of my
bed. I honestly don't think I was going to go in. . . Not til later on in the early afternoon
at least. . . I spent my morning in bed ; chillen & talking breifly on msn messenger before
getting up and getting ready to go to the hair studio, where I did my neice's hair for her
Birthday "jam". Pshhh only 13, and having basement parties [insert disappointed msn
smilie here] Anyway, so I did her hair & came back home. Had a shower & barely got
completely dressed before Thoro arrived at my house. Yay! My partner in crime. I
needed someone around to keep me sane while chaperoning a kids party.
One thing I will say though, is I don't ever remember being that disrespectful to my elders.
Infact, I can't think of a time I was told to stay in a certain place of a house or someones home
and I kissed my teeth and cut my eye at the person. As a matter of a fact; I almost kicked
a girl down the stairs. It took a lot out of me to not put my hands on that child. She was so
rude, & irrational over "stay in the basement, people can't be walking up and down the stairs
& in and out of the house". I was going to beat the little girl down ; until she apologized. haha.
Back when I used to go to house parties; I don't remember it being as boring as the one I
chaperoned tonight with Thoro. I guess that's what happens when a thirteen year old has
a "jam". Next time they should stick to having a gathering with Birthday gifts. . . haha
Nothing to worry about though; there will not be another jam in this house; not after someones
parent came busting through the front door; trying to beat their child ; for disobeying her and
coming to the party. If that wasn't enough; when she was fighting away from her mothers
grip; her step brother who happens to be only 2 years older than her tried to beat her up.
I was so appauled. That little boy is lucky I wasn't standing right where it all happened on
the porch. I would have felt no way to knock that kid out. Some how some where he learned
it was okay to hit a female. I promise you lord; if you put me near another situation like that
I will have no choice but to beat that boys ass.
I felt so bad for the girl ; My brother ran outside trying to calm the mother down ; & spoke
to the little boy; as I sat and spoke to the girl. I know how it feels to be beaten. Embarrased
& disrespected by the people who are near you. The people who you should be able to run to
are the ones that tear ou down & beat you up the most. Ahh so sad; I told her she could
come see me at work whenever she wanted to talk since it's located in her area. I want
that kid to put his hands on his sister like that infront of me again. It will definately
be the last time he does it. The girl felt so frantic ; with no where to run too. I remember
the feeling oh too well. *thumbs down*
I don't know why, but this song is stuck on replay. I didn't do it on purpose ; but I appreciate
my limewire for taking the initiative to repeat the song on its own. Robin Thicke is singing to me.
"I wanna love you girl" I really liked this song; well I still do. That's probably why I haven't took
it off of repeat just yet. I've listened to it more than 26 times by now; I'm sure. I'm so glad
I found you... Essence.

could you feel like you barely know someone
the real them ; but feel like you love them?
times like this ; i wish I remembered how to code
my layout to include the comment field.
i need feedback. So use the cbox over
<--------- and let me know.
& why

It's 1 am Saturday morning. I should be asleep cause my ass gotta get up &
go to work ; but i can't... why? i don't really want to ; i've been at work all week
and no where near around ; to speak to my babygirl... so make time when I can
& I suppose it's now ; until she tells me she's leaving for bed or something.
So I sat here and I read my babe's blog ; and it made me smile. Follow fashion
had to blog about me ; cause she's been reading my blogs about her.
Know what kind of surprised me a while ago? --- My angel asked me if I liked
Thoro more than just a friend. Umm no ; & further more that would mean I would
have to get my head around the issue of thinking of her every moment I can't be
near her. & that's definately not going to happen. I haven't really tried but it just seems
difficult. After work on the way home we stopped @ a recreation center and were watching
boxing matches. .. . *smirk* ; I didn't mean to ; but I was having very vidid graphic thoughts.
I was trying to think of something else to stop the day dream but it didn't.
Oh gosh . Sometimes I feel horrible for sounding like a horny old man ; but jeesh it's the
truth. I need to stop ; but I don't want to.
& with that being said ; i don't know what left I have to say ; nothing it seems like.
I'm just exhausted . I don't want to work in the morning ; I rather stay home & chill
with my brace face ; than go into work.

So as of around 2 this morning I am the only person remaining in my house that hasn't caught the flu. My neice caught it, funny thing about it.... Is she wanted it. When my sister-in-law had it she was like "Breathe on my mommy; Breathe on me." Oh, she's regretting it now! She hates the fact that she can't stop throwing up. So yucky I'm so trying my best not to catch this crap.
I'm sitting here talking to my very good friend Althea; she's the greatest when it comes to business ideas & pitches. I just love this girl man. I'm sitting back lounging after I finished editing photos from the last photo shoot. Some of them are Tres jolie ; & sad to say some of the models are cut. I don't want to work w em anymore. Oh well, such is life & business.
My eyes feel heavy ; but I think it's just my contacts that are dry why they're bothering me. My brother is blasting his reggae remake songs. It's so annoying to hear reggae artists remake every song you happen to love ; and put their little reggae flavor on it. I would have rather heard Silk singing rather than Sanchez to be totally honest. Aw well. I think Im going to go work on a layout for my btch Thoro* ; she's asked me last week ; or was it the week before? --- I tried to come up with something but I was ultra preoccupied at the hair studio on saturday so it never got done... My list is starting to pile up. My babygirl asked me to do her bloggers page as well. . . I can't have people waiting and waiting so; I'll get to it. Talk to yall later. ---- Peace in the middle east & on the tdot streets .

So I have something I want to talk about. It's 7 in the morning, and I just wanted to get this off my chest. Otherwise I can't bring myself to go back to sleep before my mother comes over to get her hair wash coloured & single braided!
I have 3 people who I think about. Not all at the same time. One more than the rest, but just hear me out. I'm going to give them stage names. We have someone from my past that I'll call Princess, simply because she was treated like royalty, & still it was never good enough. Then we have, Ginuwine. *smirk* Cause I adore the singer Ginuwine, and no matter how many "shaky" singles he puts out, I still adore him. I guess you can say I feel that way about her. Then we have Essence, every thought about her presence seems to take me to another place. Somewhere, where I just want to pick up and go... & she seems worth it.
Princess, wants back in. She keeps pushing for it. She keeps being upfront. In fact she said "Be my girl again" last night, while I was all grumpy and exhausted, and I flat out said no... I know that if I wanted to, I can go to this individual and say, "okay! Let's do it!" I'm apprehensive of the past coming back to kick me again. You are an ex for a reason, no? that was what I posted from the lovely B. Scott the other day right? I did give you multiple chances to get your shit straight, and you claimed to be acting right, then someone would appear with golden news. Not the mention I can tell you're lying from the jump. Sometimes I call you out, & sometimes I just let you take the rope I'm giving you, and allow you to hang yourself... I don't want nor or need any of that drama in my life. --- But here's the twist! Sometimes I get lonely to the extent, where I'm like fuck it! I could up and say yes, at any given moment because I do want someone consistent there.
Then we have Ginuwine, I don't have much to say about her. I miss her presence. I miss her company and conversation. I spend little time trying to speak to her about the way I feel, and more time just thinking about "What could have been". In all reality though, if it was meant to be, it would have been. No? Exactly, so I just want to be able to bring myself to the point where I stop thinking about it & her, but shit. I may keep pushing work wise like a robot, but news flash! I'm human buddy! Sometimes we think of people we probably shouldn't be thinking about.
& we have Essence. The lovely Essence. Someone who I care about, and to be honest I don't know why completely. I like the way she carries herself when she speaks to me. && this is where it gets a little complicated. I spend a lot of time day dreaming and wondering what could be with her, and less time trying to spend that time with her to explore that. I want to take the steps in seeing what could be, but either I'm afraid in figuring out, that there's nothing I want to get involved with. Or is it, I'm really just that busy with work, & to make it worst, our schedules conflicts... I come home from a long day at work, and she works on her music all through the night.
I think it's a given that Princess is just a no no, Ginuwine, I just need to let go. & Essence is what I want to look into, but why does it feel so hard to do on command? I think I have it figured out... Hopefully I can stick by it. & I'll have that conversation with Essence later on... Hopefully my mothers hair doesn't take the whole day so i'll have time to speak to her about it. But cheaaa . I needed my release therapy to let me be able to go back to sleep until she gets here... So good morning and i'll Talk to yall later.
Ooh & I love you foxxxy. "double you tee eff, dash dat weh"
don't even worry about that ting.