R.I.P. 2008
♥♥♥ - [ Bree ] -

chased the good life my whole life long
look back on my life ; my life gone
where did i go wrong .
808s & heartbreak
CD sucks by the way.
for the exception of 3 songs
so im laying here while i should be
braiding Fallaine's hair ; just now
just now. I'll begin. Yucky it snowed
again last night. I wish it was May, I
so just want winter to end.....
so here i am hours later . finished Fall's
hair ; & im thinking about doing mines.
but im kinda lazy ; how bout that. baah!

lemme see you work that.
oooh & pharrell .
this is hott
9:35pm - she said something rude
i just can't remember . --- oh yes
it was about me going to london.
something along the lines of ; she doesn't care
hmm . *turns nose up in the air* eff you too.

i think the concept is cute.
but not too fond of the song .
but what do you expect from souljah boy
boo hoo!

Labels: sean garrett

Labels: lady gaga

shorty is a player ; can't nobody play her
can't nobody game her ; plus she ain't a gamer.

Now look at this.
Madness the magnet keeps attracting me.
- & she continues with the childish acts & the
pointless msn names because we're 12 & not 21
right? haha - - - loving this icon. it's so perfecto for how i feel about the situation. but don't you worry; ((You still got it!)) so`go head with ya bad self.

if you haven't already heard his
music ; u should look into it .
it's "poppin" haha

but i like this track .
dance? maybe i will.

i may be in need of new ppl to
converse with . *thumbsdown*
i gained a whole lot in the last couple of
days ; but i'm lacking the comfort of a friend.
of someone who makes me smile ; who listens . . .
i miss. . . a friend

i don't know ; my mood is so blah
everyone & everthing is getting to me.

cause he's iLL .

oh & my girl on the side too .

Christmas is two days away. & yesterday was the most
stressfull day of my life at least it felt like it was . . .
Oodles of running around and errands to run ; beaucoup
doses of that cold winter weather! blah but it's okay
because yesterday makes today a brighter day and way less
stressful. . . I'm not completely sure what direction I want
to take this post in . . . . . .
urgh wait i got it - - - One thing that erks me is when someone
initiates a conversation or a discussion that is totally unneccessary.
One in which is pointless and you learn nothing from it because the
person is too stubborn and stuck in their way & cannot think outside
the box much. One in which - - - - feels like a major waste of time
She kept picking. Looking for words that were not coming through on
her end of the screen no matter how many times and how many different
ways she asked the question. . . .
Why someone keeps puts themself through it ; it's besides me.
Apparently I'm leadng someone on. Or wait was that just one of her questions
and not an actual statement. Regardless I don't care and it was just very irritating.
The silly things we do when we just cannot let go. . .
but at the end of the day i'm just another digit in her blackberry
& you still got it right? =D ---// "giiirrrlll, go head witcha bad self".
let me repeat the phrase of the day to you. . . "I do not care".
but it has come & gone so blah . i'm still
*all smiles*

Labels: charles hamilton, music

My impulsive attitude and actions
My friends
My past relationships
My sense of humor
My goals
My family
Let’s start from the top. . . my impulsive attitude and actions. Is it my downfall or my strength? Maybe both! Me acting on impulse cost me a whole lot. It has also brought a lot of great people in my life like my friends. My true friends, Ewart, Althea, & Tamika J. . . & many more. [Please do not feel offended that your name isn’t up here] These just happen to be my top three.
My best friend, I don’t even really remember how we became so close in high school. He was always a good listener. He’s always been comforting and not just because he was a dude that wanted something from a chick. Most females that know him, will tell you the same thing. I thank him for helping me out when he could. I thank him for the nights where I cried and he drove to my house and kept me company. I thank him for getting upset with me for running back to an ex. I love him with all of my heart. I cherish the days and the slumber parties we had.
Althea, *smiles* my inspiration, after speaking to her for about 2 hours today she has made me see certain things in a new light. Always an angel even when she’s trying to be a jerk. She could never keep a straight face to save her life. No one ever understood our friendship, & that’s fine because quite frankly isn’t no one’s business but ours. I don’t know why I decided to finally respond to your message last September but I’m glad I did. I’ve had a truly amazing friendship flourish for a little over a year now & it means the world to me.
Tamika J. is my definition of real. Sometimes I wonder how I come across such great people as my friends. Sometimes I feel so lonely in this world. It feels so cold and lonely, and then God brings me angels like Tamika J. Always understanding, always helping and always loving. From the jokes and the wars we used to break out into in Suzy Shier. To the days where I’ve barely spoken to her because I’m ultra stressed and depressed about my life. A simple message in my inbox on facebook made me realize that great people do still exist. Thank you for always lending an ear, and giving advice. I love T.J. for all that she is and what she stands for. I appreciate and cherish all of my true friends. I appreciate any and everyone doing things to better themselves and the lives of others around them.
I’m going to switch up the order for a quick second. My sense of humor prior to my past relationships… I can be really silly at times and really serious at others. Lately, I feel like I’ve lightened up a bit. I’m not the same “rude posh” that a lot of people know me as. To be honest, I don’t think I was a rude person for no reason. Situations and circumstances have a way in affecting how a person lives their life. I like that so many people have a way to my heart by making me laugh. Humor me bitch! I bet we’ll be good acquaintances if you can make me crack a smile. It’s easier then it was a year ago. I guess I can thank my past relationships for that! When I was with Dee, I don’t remember laughing all that much. Even Ellis made me laugh sometimes. Kim, lol. Kim! That girl man, I don’t even know what to say. I think I spent more time laughing at her then with her. Her walking around swaying her hips, flipping her hair. Looking like a gay boy, rather than a gay girl is humorous. Something about her brings a smile to my face even though she’s put me through a whole lot. I appreciate and thank her for the experience. I feel like I’ve grown so much since our episode ended. *shrugs* I’m not exactly sure how to put it all into words at the present moment but I’ll love her always & forever cherish our memories.
I thought I wanted to get into a relationship with someone new. One of those impulsive actions/ attitudes, after thinking about all this; I’ve realized that friendships are so much more important. They can last forever if both parties care to make it happen.
I have so much to accomplish and I’m looking forward to the year ending and the new year starting. I can’t wait for things to fall into place, I feel very impatient it comes to managing my life at times. But I’m striving for better. 2008 was supposed to be a great year, yet it’s about to end and I’ve accomplished maybe 50% of my goals. My oath to myself is to make 2009 the best year of my life. I’m twenty one in less than 3 months. I cried about spilt milk for so long. I lost my family togetherness along the way. I am trying to obtain, all of what I lost and everything else in the world that isn’t far from my grasp. Nothing is too far from my grasp. I love life, and I’m going to continue to live mines. & be happy with what I have. From the ground up ; work in progress. I’ll meet you at the top. I promise.
Special thanks to my cousin Bella, for everything. Although I may not agree with everything and all point of views. We’re going to make it. I love you.

we laughed about the past ; we discussed plans for the future.
she even made me call her a fraud for not purchasing a novel
because she grabbed a cappiccino and sat down in chapters and read the book in a day. maybe i only called her a fraud because i wanted to borrow the book from her. shrugs who knows. apparently i'm head bitch in charge ; according to her msn name. i don't even know how i accomplished such a thing...
aww guess what . it's baby girls nineteenth birthday! [ legal in canada! woot ! ] how cute ; still young subtract the innocence. she's so going to kill me when she see's this. or she'll laugh; cause thats what we do best, laugh with each other and at other people. like todays topics; were all over the place, but you'd think..... a female drawing on her eyebrows for so many years would have the proper techniques by now. why does it still look like home girl is still using a sharpy permenant marker!? can you please invest in some brow powder please for mine & baby girls sake, and maybe your friends. in the group photos all i ever notice is her eyebrows don't ask me about her heels. and i never skim past heels lol ---aww shucks! let's stop. - - - not cause it's mean but because my sinuses are starting to act up; and i think i may take my meds for my throat too since thats been bothering me today as well. *sigh* so until we meet again. . . .
aww babygirl ; keeps me giggling.
happy birthday babes! love you always!
- ilLest!

i <3> song. maybe i'll dance to it.
- ilLest

i look like a mad woman! i so need to get up and do
my hair . i'm recovering just fine, my meds knocked me
out last night. i have difficulty sleeping through the night
so it was so different for me. i kept tossing and turning then
i was too hot ; then too cold ; then my throat was dry.
urgh being sick womps ; but its even worst when you
know you need to sleep but you're struggling to keep your eyes shut.
a normal sleep pattern would be lovely..... anyway..
today has been ok so far ; just laying down ; speaking on the phone
having a laugh or two contemplating whether I should leave my house
today. Urgh the weather is so crucial. Snow piling up. Burrr
so til i decide i'll just lay here listening to music, or watch movies, or even watch youtube videos. slackin' on my subscrptions.
oh yes; someone attempted to hack my msn messenger. earlier on this week. so not cool buddy.
but i'm back!
- ilLest

talk to you but it's not the same; as touching you; and everytime you whisper my name; i wanna run to you; we'll be together; and it won't be long it won't be long; but it seems like forever; and it's out of my arms; baby cuz i'm missing you now; and it's driving me crazy; cuz i'm needing my baby; i'm missing you now; can't wait another moment; baby cuz i'm missing you now; needing you right here by my side; is all that i can do; arms around my pillow at night; they should be holding you; i was much stronger; how could i know?how could i know?but it seems like forever; and it's hard to be strong; baby cuz i'm missing you now; and it's driving me crazy; i'm needing my baby; i'm missing you now; can't wait another moment; baby cuz i'm missing you now; said i'ma missing you now; and it's driving crazy; i'm needing my baby; i'm missing you now; can't wait another moment

Labels: don't be SHY pro

today was a very confusing day. let's not even mention how emotional i was. i have no specific reason why either. it's strange because lately i've been stressing over my friends or family members issues more than my own.... sigh. home girl was confusing the hell out of me too ; like it was at the point where i was like arguing with myself to step back, because in all reality i don't want to. . . . i have no clue how to react to the awkwardness that i felt today. i will say i do miss her though . this is so not cool . i just gave myself another headache attempting to figure that mess out. so i'll just let it pass. & pick up where i left off. it's after 7 in the AM. & i been thinking about it practically all night. i have a hell of a day planned out today; i should have been sleeping. . . oh & good news? ---- but i won't share. . .

. chelsea cracks me up . . .